Sunday, May 19, 2013



1 pork tenderloin, about 3/4 lbs. tied with
1 tsp. dried mustard
1/2 tsp. sweet paprika
1/4 c. soy sauce
5 cloves garlic, minced
3 T. brown sugar
2 T. cilantro, chopped
1 tsp. cumin, ground
Mix all of the ingredients, except pork, in a large zip-lock bag. Add pork and seal well, squeezing out the air. Refrigerate 1-2 hours. (You could freeze for 2 months,just bring to room temp. before continuing). Grill, basting with marinade, until pink in center. Remove pork and allow to rest 5 minutes. We serve it with goat cheese for amazing sandwiches and cilantro rice as the side dish.

Note: A family favorite.We love this meal, but last year we walked away from the grill with the lid down, and set the grill ablaze. We learned and I hope you don't do what we did! Just stay nearby and keep the lid up as you grill.

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